Formally the teachers in this profession were either illiterate or semi literate and in most cases retired army persons were appointed in schools & colleges whose concept about the subject was limited. They considered it a drill as they were unaware of the utility and importance of the subject. Presently highly educated persons are entering in this profession with full zeal and zest.
Now a days physical education has improved. It has become more scholarly and scientific because of its emphasis on research. it is considered the best way to achieve and maintain a high standard of physical fitness. It helps in full development of personality.
Like Physicians, engineers and scientists, physical education also produces specialists. There are specialists like exercise physiologist, motor learning experts, sports medicine experts, athletic trainers and biomechanics experts etc. Physical educationists are utilizing computer technology to stores information, techniques and tactics to apply them in relevant fields.
Physical Education is of great service mentally retarded, emotionally disturbed and physically handicapped persons. It s becoming more popular among male, female and aged persons. Physical education provides varieties of program for all ages. it provides opportunities to participate in these program for refreshment as well as and removal of mental and physical stress.
The field of physical education is very vast and improving day by day. It has now become a separate discipline in educational institutions. There are several universities departments, colleges and academies which are awarding Certificate / Diploma, Masters and PhD. Degrees in physical education in America, Russia, Japan, India, Pakistan, Germany, China, Argentine, Mexico, Greece and Australia Keeping in view the rapid development of the subject, Pakistan is also expected to start PhD. program in Physical education in near future. Scientific Foundation of Physical Education Physical education is based on scientific foundation because it deals with anatomy and Physics of human body. It aims to develop a person physically, emotionally and mentally.
Muscular activities play major role in the development of organic system of the body. Physical education is based on scientific facts and figures. Its program is developed as a result of systematic study based on testified general rules.
Activities of physical education depend upon biological psychological and sociological aspects of growth and development. It is closely linked with the study of all living things. Like the subject of Biology, Biochemistry and Physics etc. it also provides chances for the study of physical reaction and movement taking place in the body. Physical, mental, Social, Biological and psychological aspects provide scientific foundation for physical education. A Physical Educationist and Physiologist working together to find ways and means to avoid athletic injuries and other body physiotherapy and massage has been introduced in many countries. Smiling clinics, health and fitness centers are also sources of physical education through physical activities based on scientific approach. These centers are rendering great services to humanity.
The importance of physical education based on a well-known saying A sound mind in a sound body" A physically and mentally fit person can do more then a lazy and unfit person In this technological age people are not work in a by using their body parts. They do not want to travel on foot. They only use a finger tip and to switch on or push the button for any type of work. This leads to many diseases like blood pressure, tension and diabetes. This is due to unawareness about the utility of physical education, Importance of and exercise physical work. Physical education is the only source, which provides the remedies for these diseases. In the present day life physical education plays a vital role to educate youths of the nation.
It aims to promote individual health through physical work, exercise and recreational activities Body deformities adversely affect personality. There is no medical or surgical treatment for body deformities. Only physical activities are the main remedy. A person can remain fit by proper participating in Physical exercises and training program.
A physically fit person can provide goo results with minimum efforts. Vitality of physical fitness has always been acknowledged. The leading nations of tho world have proved the benefits, utility and importance of physical fitness. Physical education is the basic need of present day life. To improve the ability of of work and overall development of personality, Physical education is the only source to overcome all the aspects of life.
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