An introduction to Programming or Computer programming:
Computer programs which also known as Software are made up of a Series of instructions that the computer executes. When we create a New program, we must specify the instructions that the computer executes to Perform the desired operations. I his process to defining instructions and the Computer to execute it is called Programming or Computer Programming. We store the instructions in an ASCII file whose name normally contains The extension “CPP” for a C++ program. For example if we create a C++ Program that perform payroll operations, we must name the file containing The program instructions PAYROLL.CPP. When we create programs, we Specify the desire instructions using a programming language. C++is one of Many programming languages. Different programming languages provide Unique features and have their own positive and negative points. In any case Programming languages allow us to write programs, which we want the Computer to execute, Programming is the process of converting broad system specifications into Usable machine instructions that produce desired results.
Computer programming Language and their types.
A language is system of communication. A programming language allows a Programmer to develop the sets of instructions that constitute a computer Program. It is a set of written symbols that instructs the computer hardware To perform specific task. Many different programming languages have been Developed, each with its own unique vocabulary, grammar, and use. There Are different types of programming language
1-Machine Languages (first-generation language)/Low level Language:
The lowest and most elementary language of computer is the Machine language. Machine language is also called Binary Language or Language of U Cind , Computer directly understands the machine language. It is very much Difficult for users and are machine depended, i.e. it varies from machine to Machine. All the program codes are in binary form, which are very much Difficult for the humans to memorize or understand.
2- Assembly Language (second generation language):
Assembler Language 1s the next Ievel or programming Languages. It was developed to overcome some of the problems of machine language The another low-level language in Which symbols are used instead of binary was s code these symbols are called mnemonics codes. For example MUL instruction is used to subtract two numbers. The assembler converts assembly language instruction into machine code instruction. It is called middle level language or it is called second-generation language.
3-High-Level Language (Third Generation language)
A type of language that is close to human language is Called high-level lan- guage. High Level Language gives formats to English Language and use common mathematical notation. Program in High Level Language are much easier than Low-level language because the program instruction are similar to those in every day English and they contain commonly used mathematical notation. High level Language tells the computer not only what to do but how to do it. The programmer spends less time developing software with a high level language. High-level Language is also called compiler language or problem oriented language or procedural language.
High-level languages use instructions, which are called statements that use brief statements or arithmetic expressions. Translator programs called com- pilers or interpreters convert high-level language instruction into machine Code. The following are High Level Language.
I) Basic 2) C-Language 3) Java Language 4) Cobol Language etc.
4-Fourth Generation Language None procedural language
The fourth-generation language 15 also known as very high-level language. In non-procedural language, user only needs to tell the computer "what to do" "how to do". They are non procedural languages and conversational than prior languages. An important advantage of non-procedural language is that they can be used by non-technical user to perform a specific task. These languages accelerate program process and reduce the coding error. 4GL are normally used database application and report generation. Natural language\ is 4GLs that are very close to English or other human language. 4GLs languages are less efficient in form of processing speed and amount of storage\ capacity the number of statement that a high level language needs to achieve the capacity needed. Fourth generation languages need approximately Ount of one storad tenth same result because they are so much easier to use than third generation language.
For example I-quey languages 2- Report generator 3- Application generator 4-decision support system. Some example are Word, Excel, Access, Oracle etc Come under these categories.
5-Object-Oriented Language
OOP is a technique in which programs are written on the basis of objects. An object is a collection of data and functions. Object may represent a per- son, thing or place in real world. In OOP, data and all possible functions on data are grouped together. Object oriented program are easier to learn and modify. C++ and Java are two most popular Object-oriented languages. Computer Languages and Packages:-In computer languages we define the problems and give our, own instructions to the computer, e.g. BASIC, FORTRAN, PASCALC/C++ etc. But in computer packages we can solve our problems without giving our instructions to the computer. They need only a few keystrokes and ready-made commands to help in solving our specific problems. Computer languages are versatile to solve the problems where as the computer packages are not versatile and are specific to problem solutions.
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