Assalamualaikum, Hello and Welcome to Educated World.
This website is special made for the students of SSC, HSSC and Bachelors. Other people can also take advantage from our website, who wants to expend their knowledge and information. We are here to make you familiar with Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Computer, H.P.E (health and physical education), Sports, Biographies (of famous personalities) and History including Famous Places and Famous events.
Academic Courses
Academic courses contain notes assignment and is helpful for preparation of presentations.
Sports contains History and Specifications ( of play field or trake or grounds and Equipments of that sports with their rules and fouls ) of different games.
Biographies contains the lifestories of famous personalities.
History contains the information about famous historical events and famous places history.
We are trying our best to provide best services to you. If you want to watch videos describing our topics you can visit our YouTube channel on YouTube where you can watch video lectures on these topics.
We also have other social media sites including Facebook, WhatsApp, telegram, and will be soon on Instagram. Stay connected with us on those sites to get notifications.
Links of our social media platforms are given below:
YouTube :
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WhatsApp :
NO : +923464658346
Telegram :
NO : +923464658346
Telegram channel link :
The links of these sites are also present in our website.
Regards: Educated World