The human race has perpetuated itself with intense physical struggle for existence and self protection. Islam also embodied these principles albelt through the cultural pattern of Arabia Horsemanship, wrestling and Habra Throwing javelin) were the early forms of physical exercises in Islam. There is no hermitage in Islam which lay stress on practicality. According to a Hadith of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon Him).
"Your physique also needs your attention" Quotes a verse of sura in the Holy Quraan, "get ready against them what scenes you can of force and well fed horses and your enemy and other besides them whom you know not, Alan know them".
So, all of forces i.e. physical, mental physiological, spiritual or material be develop and fully deployed by a Muslim against the enemies of Allah who are also his enemies. The physical exercises are actually meant to develop the habit of unity, fraternity, loyalty, humility an obedience in a Muslim through the abiding practice of saying prayers five times punctually and regularly everyday.
All these exercises, sports and working habits produce Islamic virtues such as tolerance patience, fair play and sportsmanship. t The Muslim phenomenal success in wars was due their skill in arts. So, it is anti religious and unjust approach to discourage.
Importance of physical education in the light of "Quran and the Sunnah".
Man has brought physically education with him from the very beginning of his life on this earth.He has sought its help to be fit and to face difficulties. Islam is a true religion and importance of physical fitness complete code of life. Islam has not ignored physical education instead supports. That is why physical education has developed a great deal during the Islamic society.
There were restrictions on sports and physical activities by the order of church in Christian world. There were strange beliefs in Christianity. Although the concept of goodness and evil existed in Christianity but people were ordered to work bare-footed and wear old and ugly clothes. Cleanliness was not considered good in Christianity. That was called "Dark Ages" of Christian Era. Physical Education suffered badly. Arab used to live hard life. They used to play many games and take part in various physical activities like Horsemanship, Jousting and Fancying Hence Islam emerged in the desert of Arahid.
Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) taught his followers to lead a pure and clean life. He said cleanliness is part of faith. Physical education also stresses upon clean and pure life. AS against Christianity, Islam stressed to lead a clean and healthy life. Islam instructs to clean the body before saying prayer, God is Graceful and loves beauty. God is the creator of this beautiful universe. This is why physical education stresses upon the efforts to maintain beauty. Beauty is liked by Almighty Allah. He says in another verse "Hp has created man in the best appearance. Beauty can be maintained by continuous efforts.
These efforts are the main subject of physical education. God ordains in another place and make supreme efforts in the way of God Therefore, Jihad is very important in Islam. Sound and good health is necessary for participation in Jihad and achievement of this goal is the basic aim of physical education.
Here is an example of two children who presented themselves to participate in a religious war. They were rejected due to small height. But one of them stood on his toes to convince the Prophet (Peace be upon him) that he was taller than the other. Therefore, he was permitted. The other told that he could defeat him in wrestling. Wrestling took place consequently both were permitted by the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). A powerful believer is better than a weak believer.
Safety of physical life is a duty of ever individual. In one tradition the Holy Prophet Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) says, "indeed your Body ha right upon you". Emphasis is given to protect the body from each kind of weakness and illness. In another tradition Prophet (Peace be upon him) says "Physical Education is a source of learning". Getting of knowledge is the duty of every Muslim man and woman while on another occasion the Prophet (peace be upon him) said "seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave". Hence, it is proved that physical education is necessary for preparation of healthy mind to get knowledge.
Strong body is essential in peace and war. Lawful earning is greatly praised by Almighty Allah and his Prophet (Peace be upon him).
"A person who earns his livelihood by his hand is the friend of God". Movement is necessary for lawful earning. In wars body's activity is must. Arab used to throw spears upon their enemies. Wrestling is the base of physical education. "Hazrat Ummar" was great wrestler of his time. Great importance has been given to sports in Islamic society. Physical activities are mentioned repeatedly by in the fundamentals or faith.
In physical term the offering prayers promotes purity of thought through action, the detail may be studied as follows:
1. During the standing in parallel close the close position of the feet trains balance in the body and Tissues which maintain erect stance are thereby strengthened the front muscles or tendons of the pelvis joint are lossened which promote its free swing or revolution.
2. During the upper body bends from the pelvis joint upward, activating its flexures moving the center of gravity toward its front putting pressure on the muscles of the ankle to maintain equilibrium.
Meanwhile the extenders of back, the neck and the head are allowed to remain relaxed.
3. During the Sajdah the muscles of the ankles and the knees are brought the bear or various easy movement of the ankle and the feet when these stiffen after a concussion. This posture also helps to remove defects in stature as well as nervous disorders. During the Sajdah the extenders of the back and the pelvis are a work thereby strengthening the muscles o the back which in turn corrects the imbalance in stature. The muscles of the belly and the pelvis are also exercised. The pressure brought to bear on the feet as a result of the standing and sitting motion, help in correct flat fetidness.
4. This mild and slow exercise when repeated at regular intervals (five times a day) produces a tremendous healthy influence on all the systems of the body i.e. digestive nervious and circulatory system.
Haj is very difficult from the physical point of view. It involves many physical aspects such as running, between Suffa, Marwa. It is the largest gathering of Muslims, brotherhood, and equality of the Muslims. It provides Social, Moral and physical advantages and physical Education is the claimant of these advantages. Haj delivers the lesson cf Unity, hardwork and equality. There is no discrimination in Islam because all Muslims of the world perform all Haj components together. The objectives of physical education, equality, brotherhood, unity and physical fitness are also the objectives of Islam, proves the relation between Islam and physical education.
Jehad requires mental and physical potentialities. Physically unfit and mentally disturbed person cannot fight against enemies. Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) allowed only those to Jehad who were physically fit. It proves that Islam stresses on physical fitness and physical fitness is one of. the basic objective of physical education. Protection of health is our religious obligation. It is the common objective of Islam and physical education. Physical education provides the chances of physical fitness, emotional stability and mental alertness, which are prerequisite for Jehad.
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